Friday, September 25, 2015

If you want me to do Volume 7...

Update: Someone is already doing it, check comments for link.

If you want me to translate volume 7 find me a digital copy somewhere and either link it or send it through.

I don't intend to buy the volume any time soon, and even if I did I wouldn't go and translate it as translating from a physical book is many times harder that a digital script as any time I come across a word I don't know or can't remember I would have to look it up instead of just pasting it into GT or something similar.

So, there's my bottom line. Find me something I can copy and paste and I'll translate it for you.


  1. Potato.

    Do the Zanoba's dol chapter
    7 is a filler and probably cliche fanservice.
    In total, the series has 1 M words and another 10% for the nrw character to fill in. Why let her join when you got S-Fitts in line and a heroine at most. Most authors would make a difference to buy his products. But that's my opinion anyway. That's what all hypocrites say , I guess.

  2. Check comments for link??? What link? I don't see one.

  3. Search in world three translation...i think they are translating vol 7



Redundant Chapter XX


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